A:What happens if we make a deal and thirty to sixty days after delievery the price goes down and you didn't get the best possible price?How do I handle that?
B:Well,these things happens,I know that. You just have to stay straight with me.
A:Right! So how do I do that? What will make you happy?
B:Well,I suggest you just keep me posted.That should do it.That way the burden is on me to decide when to buy, not you.
A:Excuse me?
B:Yeah,it really is that simple.Every time there's a change in the items we do business on , you let me know. That's all you need to do .
A:What kind of change,just in prices?
B:No,any change.I want you to keep me as informed as you are.I need to know as much as you do . If you hear about something that might happen,then tell me about it.Tell me it's rumor, what it's based on and your opinion on how likely it is.
A:You mean on product availability,reliability and price?
B:No ,everthing.Those things for sure,but also labor problems,raw materials,new subcontractors,mergers,in short,anything and everything.So I can make a fully informed decision.
A:So it's like you want me to be your eyes and ears into the indutry.I can do that,provided the company I'm working for isn't hurt.
B:I think we'll get along fine.
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